Visual Stimuli
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As a senior graphic designer with Lakes Printing, Inc. in Brainerd, MN, and entrepreneur/freelance artist with CoverSix, my experience nearly outweighs my creativity. Professionally groomed and mentored in a production facility, I have an overall understanding of marketing, creative direction, and the production process from start to finish. I hope you enjoy my work!
An outdoor gear technician from Easyrider's Bike Shop was looking for marketing materials and items to promote his abilities. We worked together and came up with these fun graphics for shirts and decals.
Logos, t-shirts, posters, postcards, web banners... these are just a few of the items I create for Hubbard Radio's Northern Minnesota market.
Art direction for the Lakes Area United Way campaigns. Posters, tickets, social media, newspaper. Whatever the need, I deliver functional, and original creative.
Being a fan of craft beer makes this project enjoyable year to year. I have overseen the creative direction since it's induction 7 years ago, helping to make this a sold-out event annually.
Numerous marketing materials help make The Mn Adult and Teen Fishing Challenge a successful event yearly. Primarily a Photoshop project with InDesign pulling it all together to form an income-generating package.
The concept for the Run for the Lakes came to me as I walked through a puddle and trees were reflecting during one fine lunch break... I love the random inspirations that happen when you least expect it!
For the last 6 seasons, I have overseen the creative for The Brainerd Jaycees Ice Fishing Extravaganza. Known as the "Pink Contest", it is the largest ice fishing contest in the world.
Using Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator I am able to deliver creative solutions for billboards, banners, posters, booklets, newspaper wraps, along with numerous additional materials.
I recently created trading cards, a coloring book and postcards for Pine Grove Zoo. This allowed me to use my illustration ability drawing all the animals for the coloring book with ink. Illustrator and Photoshop finished up the process.
Kinship was in need of a new marketing campaign to gain mentors and I delivered with a fun, playful concept. Brochures, table tents, banners, posters and much more accomplished Kinship's needs.
Media Guide covers I have designed for the Brainerd High School since 2005. I also do the insides but most of the fun happens with Photoshop and the cover graphics.
Along with creating calendars for Ducks Unlimited, I also edit photography for marketing materials. On this example I added image to the left and right using photoshop, allowing it to be used more effectively.
Mineral and coin company was in need of a catalog to portray the value of gold and other fine minerals. Using Photoshop and InDesign I was able to attend to their creative needs for increased investing.
The Gull Chain of Lakes Association has called on me since 2005 to produce a high quality, full color newsletter. Growth in advertising sales and membership each year has been a success since my introduction to the project.
My experience allows me to create graphics for anything with a complete understanding of the production process always in mind. Whether full color or spot color, I create solutions that work as effectively on press as they do for the client, as seen in these samples for Pelican Lakes Association.
Most logo creations I approach as 1-2 color projects when possible using vector art. This allows for ease of use on marketing materials and as an identity.
Logo design for an up and coming online writer's community. Upon delivering concepts to the founder, one of the smartest men I personally know, he said to me "Now this is why you hire a professional."
A little more detail was asked for while creating this identity for a local gun club.